Environmental calculations

100% recycled plastic material in all of our Markskydd products and plastplattor.

kg reduced CO2 equivalent carbon footprint to date by using only recycled plastic in our products.

The mathematical calculation for the reduction of the CO2 carbon footprint

Recycled plastic bottles to date by production of sold plastic sheets and ground protection. * We do not use PET bottles in our products .This is for visualization purposes only.

Reduction of climate impact from CO2 equivalent carbon footprint

The data required for the calculation is collected from Fortnox Live data. This data has been collected from the first of March 2019.

  • Products sold
  • Weight for said product
  • Number of said product

The calculation made is as follows: (Delivered product* Weight(in gram)/ 1000) * 5.7(The total climate impact from 1 kg fossil PE is 5,7 kg CO2 equivalents per kg material) * 0.5(If this PE would be recycled instead of incinerated the climate impact could be decreased with about 50%)

Visualization of the number of recycled plastics

From Fortnox we collect the following data:

  • Products sold
  • Weight for said product
  • Number of said product

The calculation made is as follows: (Delivered product* Weight(in gram)/ 1000) * 25(visually it takes around 25 1,5 litres plastic bottles to create 1Kg recycled plastic sheet.)

PS! For both of these calculations, we are adding together the data and updating it live for every new invoice we sell. This means that the numbers are updated continuously. We are able to do this thanks to open APIs from Fortnox, Enhanza who provides our data from Fortnox, as well as Nidulus who pulls in the data and does the calculations in its Data Factory.